
  • boundaries

    • Notes

    • All census related geometries are adapted from Statistics Canada, 2016 Census Boundary files, 2020
    • Tables

      • Geometry_ADAUID
        • Aggregate dissemination area geometry
      • Geometry_CANADA
        • Canada outline geometry
      • Geometry_CDUID
        • Census Division geometry
      • Geometry_CSDUID
        • Census Subdivision geometry, simplified polygon at 0.005 degrees
      • Geometry_DAUID
        • Dissemination Area geometry
      • Geometry_ERUID
        • Economic Region geometry
      • Geometry_FSAUID
        • Forward Sortation Area geometry
      • Geometry_PRUID
        • Province geometry
      • Geometry_SAUID
        • Settled area geometry, contains 2 sets of geometries, point and polygon.
      • HexGrid_1km
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.01 degrees(1km)
      • HexGrid_1km_3857
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.01 degrees(1km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_1km_unclipped
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.01 degrees(1km)
      • HexGrid_1km_unclipped_3857
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.05 degrees(5km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_5km
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.05 degrees(5km)
      • HexGrid_5km_3857
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.05 degrees(5km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_5km_unclipped
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.05 degrees(5km)
      • HexGrid_5km_unclipped_3857
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.05 degrees(5km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_10km
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.1 degrees(10km)
      • HexGrid_10km_3857
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.1 degrees(10km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_10km_unclipped
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.1 degrees(10km)
      • HexGrid_10km_unclipped_3857
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.1 degrees(10km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_25km
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees(25km)
      • HexGrid_25km_3857
        • Clipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees(25km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_25km_unclipped
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees(25km)
      • HexGrid_25km_unclipped_3857
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees(25km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_50km_unclipped
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.50 degrees(50km)
      • HexGrid_50km_unclipped_3857
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 0.50 degrees(50km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_100km_unclipped
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 1 degrees(100km)
      • HexGrid_100km_unclipped_3857
        • Unclipped hexagonal geometry of Canada based on x grid spacing of approximately 1 degrees(100km) EPSG 3857
      • HexGrid_GlobalFabric
        • Hexagonal geometry extents of Canada based off GEM’s global fabric hex grid
      • SAUID_HexGrid
        • Table referencing the centroid of each settled area id (SAUID) to the various HexGrid geometries (5km,10km,25km,50km,100km) used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_1km_intersect
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_1km geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_1km_intersect_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_1km_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_1km_intersect_unclipped
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_1km_unclipped geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_1km_intersect_unclipped_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_1km_unclipped_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_5km_intersect
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_5km geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_5km_intersect_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_5km_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_5km_intersect_unclipped
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_5km_unclipped geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_5km_intersect_unclipped_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_5km_unclipped_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_10km_intersect
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_10km geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_10km_intersect_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_10km_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_10km_intersect_unclipped
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_10km_unclipped geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_10km_intersect_unclipped_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_10km_unclipped_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_25km_intersect
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_25km geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_25km_intersect_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_25km_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_25km_intersect_unclipped
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_25km_unclipped geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_25km_intersect_unclipped_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_25km_unclipped_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_50km_intersect_unclipped
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_50km_unclipped geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_50km_intersect_unclipped_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_50km_unclipped_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_100km_intersect_unclipped
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_100km_unclipped geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_100km_intersect_unclipped_3857
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_100km_unclipped_3857 geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_GlobalFabric_intersect
        • Table referencing the settled area id (SAUID) area, and its percentage of area intersect with respect to HexGrid_GlobalFabric geometry used for aggregation purposes.
      • SAUID_HexGrid_Unclipped
        • Table referencing the centroid of each settled area id (SAUID) to the various unclipped HexGrid geometries (5km,10km,25km,50km,100km) used for aggregation purposes.
  • census

  • db_check

    • Notes

      • Schema for QA/QC of tables and views in the database.
      • Tables count: 1
    • Tables

    • table_view_checkrow
      • Table showing all the schema, table names, table type (table, view etc), and row count in the opendrr database. Useful for QA/QC check at the end of stackbuild to see if any issues arise (ie missing tables, row_count of 0 etc).
  • exposure

  • ghsl

  • gmf

    • Notes

      • Schema to store source dsra shakemap data.
      • Tables count: 46, 1 view
    • Tables

      • shakemap_{EqScenario}
        • Table containing shakemap indicators for each earthquake scenario.
      • shakemap_{EqScenario}_xref
        • shakemap_{EqScenario} cross referenced to the closest assetID lon/lat.
      • shakemap_scenario_extents_temp
        • Temp table showing scenario and geometry extents of each earthquake scenario in the opendrr db.
      • shakemap_scenario_extents_tbl
        • Table showing the various shakemap indicators including geometry extents of each earthquake scenario in the opendrr db.
      • shakemap_scenario_extents (view)
        • View of shakemap_scenario_extents_tbl
  • lut

  • mh

  • psra_{P/T}

    • Notes

      • Schema to store various source psra tables for the each province/territory. In total there are 12 psra_{P/T} schemas, where {P/T} represents the province/territory 2 character abbreviations (pruid) used by Statistics Canada.
      • Tables count: 22
    • Tables

      • Aggregate curves/average losses tables at various quantiles.
        • psra_{P/T}_agg_curves_q05
        • psra_{P/T}_agg_curves_q95
        • psra_{P/T}_agg_curves_stats
        • psra_{P/T}_agg_losses_q05
        • psra_{P/T}_agg_losses_q95
        • psra_{P/T}_agg_losses_stats
        • psra_{P/T}_avg_losses_stats
      • Damage tables at various quantiles.
        • psra_{P/T}_ed_dmg_mean
        • psra_{P/T}_ed_dmg_q05
        • psra_{P/T}_ed_dmg_q95
      • Hazard curve tables for pga and various spectral acceleration periods.
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_pga
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa0p1
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa0p2
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa0p3
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa0p5
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa0p6
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa1p0
        • psra_{P/T}_hcurves_sa2p0
      • hazard maps
        • psra_{P/T}_hmaps
        • psra_{P/T}_hmaps_xref
          • cross reference to closest assetID lon/lat
      • psra_{P/T}_uhs
      • source loss
        • psra_{P/T}_src_loss
      • All tables processed from
  • psra_canada

    • Notes

      • Schema to store various source psra tables for Canada.
      • Tables count: 7
    • Tables

      • aggregate curves/average losses tables at various quantiles.
        • psra_canada_agg_curves_q05
        • psra_canada_agg_curves_q95
        • psra_canada_agg_curves_stats
        • psra_canada_agg_losses_q05
        • psra_canada_agg_losses_q95
        • psra_canada_agg_losses_stats
      • source loss
        • psra_canada_src_loss
      • All tables processed from
  • results_nhsl_hazard_threat

    • Notes

      • Schema to store results of multi hazard threat.
      • Tables count: 4 tables, 23 views
    • Tables

      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_csd_tbl
        • Table showing hazard threat indicators at the csd level.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_indicators_s
        • Table showing hazard threat indicators at the sauid level.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_csd (view)
        • View of nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_csd_tbl.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_100km_uc (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 100km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_100km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 100km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_10km (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_10km_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_10km_uc (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_10km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_1km (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_1km_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_1km_uc (view)
      • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_1km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_25km (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_25km_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_25km_uc (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_25km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_50km_uc (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 50km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_50km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 50km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_5km (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_5km_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_5km_uc (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_5km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_prioritization_hexgrid_global_fabric (view)
        • Hazard threat indicators aggregated/proxied to GEM’s global fabric hexgrids.
      • nhsl_hazard_threat_indicators_s_tbl
        • Table showing hazard threat indicators at the sauid level.
      • hazard_threat_values_s
        • Table showing calculated values used in nhsl_hazard_threat_indicators_s.
      • hazard_threat_values_csd
        • Table showing calculated values used in nhsl_hazard_threat_indicators_csd.
  • results_nhsl_physical_exposure

    • Notes

      • Schema to store results for physical exposure.
      • Tables count: 49 views
    • Tables

      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for all of Canada.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_ab (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for AB.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_bc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for BC.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_mb (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for MB.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_nb (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for NB.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_nl (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for NL.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_ns (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for NS.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_nt (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for NT.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_nu (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for NU.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_on (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for ON.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_pe (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for PE.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_qc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for QC.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_sk (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for SK.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_b_yt (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the building level for YT.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for all of Canada.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_100km_uc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 100km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_100km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 100km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_10km (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_10km_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_10km_uc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_10km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_1km (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_1km_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_1km_uc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_1km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_25km (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_25km_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_25km_uc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_25km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_50km_uc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 50km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_50km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 50km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_5km (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_5km_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_5km_uc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_5km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_hexgrid_global_fabric (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators aggregated/proxied to GEM’s global fabric hexgrids.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_ab (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for AB.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_bc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for BC.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_mb (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for MB.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_nb (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for NB.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_nl (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for NL.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_ns (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for NS.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_nt (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for NT.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_nu (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for NU.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_on (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for ON.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_pe (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for PE.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_qc (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for QC.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_sk (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for SK.
      • nhsl_physical_exposure_indicators_s_yt (view)
        • Physical exposure indicators at the sauid level for YT.
  • results_nhsl_risk_dynamics

    • Notes

      • Schema to store results for risk dynamics.
      • Tables count: 14 views
    • Tables

      • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators (view)
        • Risk dynamics indicators for all of Canada.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_ab (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for AB.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_bc (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for BC.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_mb (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for MB.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_nb (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for NB.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_nl (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for NL.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_ns (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for NS.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_nt (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for NT.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_nu (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for NU.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_on (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for ON.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_pe (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for PE.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_qc (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for QC.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_sk (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for SK.
    • nhsl_risk_dynamics_indicators_yt (view)
      • Risk dynamics indicators for YT.
  • results_nhsl_social_fabric

    • Notes

      • Schema to store results for social fabric.
      • Tables count: 35 views
    • Tables

      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for all of Canada.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_100km_uc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 100km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_100km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 100km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_10km (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_10km_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_10km_uc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_10km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 10km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_1km (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_1km_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_1km_uc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_1km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 1km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_25km (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_25km_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_25km_uc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_25km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 25km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_50km_uc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 50km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_50km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 50km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_5km (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_5km_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_5km_uc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 3857.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_5km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied at the 5km hexgrid unclipped level EPSG 4326.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_hexgrid_global_fabric (view)
        • Social fabric indicators aggregated/proxied to GEM’s global fabric hexgrid.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_ab (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for AB.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_bc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for BC.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_mb (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for MB.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_nb (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for NB.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_nl (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for NL.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_ns (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for NS.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_nt (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for NT.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_nu (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for NU.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_on (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for ON.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_pe (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for PE.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_qc (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for QC.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_sk (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for SK.
      • nhsl_social_fabric_indicators_s_yt (view)
        • Social fabric indicators at the sauid level for YT.
  • results_psra_{P/T}

    • Notes

      • Schema to store psra results for each province/territory. In total there are 12 results_psra_{P/T} schemas, where {P/T} represents the province/territory 2 character abbreviations (pruid) used by Statistics Canada.
      • Tables count: 3 tables, 6 views
    • Tables

      • psra_{P/T}_indicators_b (view)
        • Psra indicators at the building level for each province/territory.
      • psra_{P/T}_eqriskindex
        • Table with calculations for risk index, used in psra_{P/T}_indicators_s.
      • psra_{P/T}_eqriskindex_csd
        • Table with calculations for risk index, used in psra_{P/T}_indicators_csd.
      • psra_{P/T}_indicators_s (view)
        • Psra indicators at the sauid level for each province/territory.
      • psra_{P/T}_indicators_csd (view)
        • Psra indicators at the csd level for each province/territory.
      • psra_{P/T}_expected_loss_fsa (view)
        • Psra expected loss values at fsa level for each province/territory.
      • psra_{P/T}_agg_loss_fsa (view)
        • Psra aggregated loss values at fsa level for each province/territory.
      • psra_{P/T}_src_loss_tbl
        • Psra source loss table for each province/territory.
      • psra_{P/T}_src_loss (view)
        • View of psra_{P/T}_src_loss_tbl.
  • results_psra_canada

    • Notes

      • Schema showing results for psra canada.
      • Tables count: 1 table, 9 views
    • Tables

      • psra_canada_expected_loss (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for all periods.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_50yr (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for 50 year period.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_100yr (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for 100 year period.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_250yr (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for 250 year period.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_500yr (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for 500 year period.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_1000yr (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for 1000 year period.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_2500yr (view)
        • Expected loss values for Canada for 2500 year period.
      • psra_canada_agg_loss (view)
        • Aggregated loss values for Canada.
      • psra_canada_src_loss_tbl
        • Source loss table for Canada.
      • psra_canada_src_loss (view)
        • View of psra_canada_src_loss_tbl.
  • results_psra_national

    • Notes

      • Schema showing results for psra national. National indicators are results from the various results_psra_{P/T} schema, including psra_{P/T}_indicators_b, psra_{P/T}_indicators_s, psra_{P/T}_indicators_csd, psra_{P/T}_expected_loss_fsa, psra_{P/T}_agg_loss_fsa, and psra_{P/T}_src_loss tables that are merged together into a one national table for each of the tables above. After merging, earthquake risk index calculations are made for indicators_s, and indicators_csd tables and updated. The EQRI values are then updated in the corresponding results_psra_{P/T}.
      • Tables count: 31 tables, 35 views
    • Tables

      • psra_indicators_b_tbl
        • Psra indicators at the building level for all of Canada merged from all psra_indicators_b from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_indicators_b (view)
        • View of psra_indicators_b_tbl.
      • psra_indicators_s_tbl
        • Psra indicators at the settled area level for all of Canada merged from all psra_indicators_s from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_indicators_s (view)
        • View of psra_indicators_s_tbl.
      • psra_indicators_csd_tbl
        • Psra indicators at the csd level for all of Canada merged from all psra_indicators_csd from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_indicators_csd (view)
        • View of psra_indicators_csd_tbl.
      • psra_expected_loss_fsa_tbl
        • Psra expected loss values at fsa level for all of Canada merged from all psra_expected_loss from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_agg_loss_fsa_tbl
        • Psra agg loss values at fsa level for all of Canada merged from all psra_agg_loss from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_expected_loss_fsa (view)
        • View of psra_agg_loss_fsa_tbl.
      • psra_src_loss_tbl
        • Psra agg loss values at fsa level for all of Canada merged from all psra_src_loss from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_src_loss
        • View of psra_src_loss_tbl.
      • psra_agg_loss_fsa_tbl
        • Psra agg loss values at fsa level for all of Canada merged from all psra_agg_loss from all results_psra_{P/T} schemas.
      • psra_agg_loss_fsa_tbl
        • View of psra_agg_loss_fsa_tbl.
      • psra_canada_agg_loss_tbl
        • Psra agg loss values copied from psra_canada_agg_loss from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_agg_loss (view)
        • View of psra_canada_agg_loss_tbl.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_tbl
        • Psra expected loss values copied from psra_canada_expected_loss (view) from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_tbl.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_50yr (view)
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_50yr from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_100yr (view)
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_100yr from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_250yr (view)
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_250yr from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_500yr (view)
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_500yr from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_1000yr (view)
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_1000yr from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_expected_loss_2500yr (view)
        • View of psra_canada_expected_loss_2500yr from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_src_loss_tbl
        • Psra source loss values copied from psra_canada_src_loss from results_psra_canada schema.
      • psra_canada_src_loss
        • View of psra_canada_src_loss_tbl.
      • psra_sri_calc_sa
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for settled area.
      • psra_sri_calc_csd
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for csd.
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_1km
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 1km hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_1km_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 1km hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_1km_uc
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 1km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_1km_uc_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 1km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_5km
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 5km hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_5km_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 5km hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_5km_uc
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 5km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_5km_uc_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 5km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_10km
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 10km hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_10km_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 10km hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_10km_uc
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 10km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_10km_uc_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 10km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_25km
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 25km hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_25km_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 25km hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_25km_uc
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 25km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_25km_uc_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 25km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_50km_uc
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 50km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_50km_uc_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 50km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_100km_uc
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 100km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_sri_calc_hg_100km_uc_4326
        • Seismic risk index (eqri) calculations used for 100km unclipped hexgrid (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_1km (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 1km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_1km_uc (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 1km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_1km_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 1km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_1km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 1km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_5km (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 5km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_5km_uc (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 5km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_5km_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 5km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_5km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 5km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_10km (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 10km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_10km_uc (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 10km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_10km_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 10km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_10km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 10km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_25km (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 25km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_25km_uc (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 25km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_25km_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the 25km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_25km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 25km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_50km_uc (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 50km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_50km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 25km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_100km_uc (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 100km hexgrid level (EPSG 3857).
      • psra_indicators_hexgrid_100km_uc_4326 (view)
        • Psra indicators aggregated to the unclipped 25km hexgrid level (EPSG 4326).
  • ruptures

  • sovi

  • vs30

  • Notes

    • Schema storing vs30 tables.
    • Tables count: 2
  • Tables